Lucas Flint

Writer of superhero and LitRPG fiction. For film and TV inquires, email

25-Day Novel Challenge

The 25-Day Novel Challenge: Day Seventeen

The Superhero's Test - Ebook Small


We are now at the start of the editing phase. I hit my 40 pages for the day, which is the goal I’ve set for myself for this period, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post.

I didn’t find too much to edit, except fixing some typos, awkwardly-worded sentences, and changing details for consistency’s sake. I usually write clean, though, so I’m not surprised, although I am grateful, because it means I will hopefully be able to get through this phase quickly and without delay.

I don’t hate editing, but like many writers, I prefer writing by far. It is just a lot more fun to me to write a book than to edit one. I edit because it is necessary, even if only to fix typos and the like, but I don’t like it and try to avoid spending months and months on editing.

In fact, that’s one of the reason I write cleanly. The better I write, the less editing I have to do. And since I dislike editing, that works out well for me. I highly recommend that any writer who dislikes editing should learn how to write a good first draft in order to minimize editing.

Anyway, I’m still on a roll, so on to Day 18!

Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction as an indie author.