Lucas Flint

Writer of superhero and LitRPG fiction. For film and TV inquires, email

25-Day Novel Challenge

The 25-Day Novel Challenge: Day Eleven

The Superhero's Test - Ebook Small

WORD COUNT: 44,033/75,000

We are now eleven days into the 25-Day Novel Challenge. By this time next week, I should hit the 75,000 word count, after which I will edit the novel, have it copy-edited, and then publish it on Amazon. Yay!

Speaking of word counts, I have made hitting my daily 4,000 word quota my number one priority every day. Not just every day of this challenge, but every day of my life. If the only thing I get done on any given day of the week is meeting my daily quota, that day is a success in my book.

Why is it so important that I hit my daily quota? Because writing more books is the secret to success in indie-publishing. Or, rather, writing more books that people want to read is the secret to success in indie-publishing. You need to write lots of books that people want to read in order to make any real money at this business.

Among writers, there is a saying that your next book is always your best form of promotion. Other forms of promotion, like price pulses and Facebook ads, can be very effective as well, but for most writers, putting out your next book is always more effective than almost any other form of promotion.

Why that is true is a topic I think I’ll cover tomorrow on Day Twelve. See ya!

Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction as an indie author.