Lucas Flint

Writer of superhero and LitRPG fiction. For film and TV inquires, email

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Everything I published in 2023

Can’t believe that another year has come and gone! It was a great year for me (especially on a personal level) and I am looking forward to what 2024 will bring with it.

So I thought, what better way to commemorate 2023 than by reflecting on what I published this year? Here are the new books (as in, not collections) I published in 2023:

Make Your Own Supervillain #2: Pride

Fake Superhero #2: Fake Comic

Make Your Own Supervillain #3: Envy

Fake Superhero #3: Fake Chess

Make Your Own Supervillain #4: Wrath

Villain Town #1: Big Bad

All in all, not a bad year for me and I expect 2024 to be even better, with plenty of awesome books coming out, so keep an eye on my website and social media for more news about that!

Happy New Year,

Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction as an indie author.