Lucas Flint

Writer of superhero and LitRPG fiction. For film and TV inquires, email

25-Day Novel Challenge

The 25-Day Novel Challenge: Day Twenty

The Superhero's Test - Ebook Small


We are now on Day 20 of the 25-Day Novel Challenge. I am now just over 70% done with the editing phase. I estimate that I will be done with the editing on Day 22, instead of Day 21, but that is fine. As long as I finish editing it by Day 25, I will consider this challenge a success.

Speaking of success, what is my definition of success? Success, after all, can vary considerably from one writer to another. Some consider publishing one book success, while others won’t consider themselves a success until they’re making multiple millions of dollars every year and have a nice vacation home on a tropical island somewhere and everything in between.

My definition of success is simple: Making a living at my writing. I am not yet making a living off my writing, but I expect to this year, assuming The Superhero’s Test does as well as I think it will. I’d also like to make enough money to support a wife and children off, but right now I am going to focus on making enough money to support myself, at least.

Anyway, we’re on the home stretch, so let’s go forth to Day 21!

Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction as an indie author.