Lucas Flint

Writer of superhero and LitRPG fiction. For film and TV inquires, email

25-Day Novel Challenge

The 25-Day Novel Challenge: Day Ten

The Superhero's Test - Ebook Small

WORD COUNT: 40,032/75,000

We are now on Day Ten of the challenge. I am now 40,000 words into the novel, which is awesome. I can already feel the climax of the book starting to form, but it’s nothing more than a minor, distant feeling at the moment, which is fine because I don’t like planning things out in too much detail, as I’ve already said.

For today, I didn’t get done as early as I usually do because I thought I had a dentist’s appointment today (turns out it’s actually supposed to be on June 16th, not May 16th) and then I had to get the lenses on my glasses replaced, since my old ones were starting to get scratched up from years of use.

All in all, I was out of the house for three and a half hours. That left me with less time to write than I usually have; nonetheless, I sat myself down and started writing until I met my word count goal for the day (of course, it helps that I already wrote 2,000 words before I left for my dentist appointment that is actually a month from today).

Under other circumstances, this would have been enough to derail me for the rest of the day, especially since I came home kind of tired. But I’ve learned not to let any excuse except for the most serious ones keep me from meeting my daily quota, a useful skill to have when you’re doing a novel challenge like this.

Meeting my word count quota is the most important part of my entire writing and publishing business, but I think I will discuss this more in-depth tomorrow on Day Eleven. See you then!

Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction as an indie author.